What's the book this term?

This term we will be looking at the play, The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare.
A romantic comedy and a play set within a play. It looks at the relationship between men and women, concentrating on two sisters, Bianca, all good and maiden-like and Katherine, independent, wild and opinionated!
Set in Italy we see the father of these two very different girls face the challenge of marrying his eldest, Katherine off, not an easy task. That is until Petruchio appears on the scene, his mind set on taming and marrying her.
We will look at women's roles and how they have changed over the years as well as thinking about what message Shakespeare is putting across to us, the audience, with this message of defiance and control. At the end of the term students will be asked to write their opinion of how the play is concluded. They will be encouraged to think about how they would have written it, choosing to see it through the eyes of Katherine or Petruchio.

If you want to learn more about the play but find it difficult to read try the Sparks Notes website!

1 comment:

  1. learning about shakespeare so far has been very helpfull in a hour i have lernt a lot and doing this play 'the taming of the shrew' with new english and merge with old shakespeare it make the play easy to learn and im finding it lot clearer for any age. Also miss hull has made the leeson injoyerball for all ages and everyone was getting involved and asking lots of questions, also miss hull made the text so much better to understand. So thank-you very much from charlotte flesher year 9.
