Spring Term Poetry Competition

A Dog Named Spot

I once had a dog named Spot,
He made me smile a lot,
He loved to run around,
And bury his bone in the ground.

I once had a pig named Jessie,
He was very, very messy,
He lay out in the sun,
And burnt his bum.

I once had a cat named Pat,
He curled up in my hat,
When I put it on
I smelt a pong.

I once had a giraffe named Billy,
He was really, really silly,
When he went out to eat,
He could not see his feet.

Keihan Engledow.

A poem about Sweets
Picture By Ohdearbarb via Flickr

Sweets in the packs,
Sweets you can mix,
Sweets loose in jars.

Crackling, ripping sound,
I tear the paper off,
I look for treasure, I think I’ve found,
My Pleasure and start to scoff!

The colours, all different and bright,
That glares all through the night,
I want to get a taste of them all.

Different sweets, different amounts,
All in the jars, ready for the scales,
Them all for me.

Thomas Ryan

After You’re Gone

After you’re gone,
How will I go to school?
Who will I phone?
To talk through the silent evening?
After you’re gone?

Your part of my life,
A piece of my tapestry,
On what rock,
Will my castle rest?
After you’re gone?

Time will turn,
But without your hands,
How will I eat?
Without my day on your dish,
After you’re gone?

You’re the only place,
I can put myself,
No hopes or dreams,
Can fill tumbling days,
After you’re gone?

Yameen Rahman

Picture By J Paxon Reyes via Flickr

Chocolate, chocolate, scrumptious chocolate,
Tongue tingling famous chocolate,
One cube of chocolate will tickle your taste buds!

A river of chocolate melts on your tongue,
Flowing down your throat,
With a soft, delicious warm feeling.

I rip open the wrapper, riiiiippppp!
Its chocolate face, smiling at me!

Chocolate is the best!

Jade McGee


Christmas is full of dinner and noise,
It’s a fun way to bring everyone together.

Christmas brings fun and joy,
It’s full of laughter and many cries.

I had a little ball-ball,
He was round and red,
I put him on a tree and this is what he said,
“I am a little ball-ball; I am round and red,
But please don’t shake my branches or I’ll fall onto your head”.  

Christmas is full of joy and Holly,
It brings songs and many dollies.

Christmas is celebrated because that is when Jesus Christ was born.

Emily Howe


The wind howled loudly,
It blew the old sheet that was pinned above an old glass window,
I laid in my bed, and thought in my head,
What’s that ‘tap, tap, tapping?’

I slowly tiptoed out of bed trying not to make the floor boards’ creek,
Opening the window, exposing a black blanket of sky above me,
Outside standing there I saw a tall, black shadow, walking towards me,
I jumped back into my bed and hid under my soft pink blanket.

The shadow got closer,
Floating, hovering like a ghost,
Whispering noises,
I quietly put one ear out of the covers to hear what it was saying,
“Look outside”
But I was too scared! I ran into my Mums room screaming.

Then Mum came into the room, but nothing was there?
But it was there last night? Where is it, maybe it’s in my house?
Was I dreaming?

Chloe Oughton


Chocolate, chocolate everything,
Chocolate, chocolate, simply the best!
All different kinds of chocolate;
Mars, Maltesers, Twix, Snickers,
Freddo, Dairy Milk, Cadburys,
Cakes, Brownies, Cookies, Mouse.

Chocolate is my favourite food,
Eating it makes me feel so good.

Melting, melting on your tongue,
Taste that smooth and scrumptious delight,
That tongue tingle taste,
That melting chocolate on your tongue,
Flowing slowly to your tum.

Chocolate is my favourite food,
I’d eat it all the time if I could!

Kacie Cribb

Doggy and Her Bone
Doggy, Doggy, where’s your bone?
Somebody stole it from your home,
Guess who? Maybe you…..
Maybe the monkeys from the zoo,
Wake up doggy, find your bone.
It must be at home?
Doggy, Doggy where’s your bone?
It’s not at home?
It must be all alone.

Doggy, Doggy get up and find your bone!
Somebody might have taken it home,
Your bone is now gone far, far away,
From your pink nose as pink as a rose and
Your Mummy’s ways.

Doggy, Doggy no more bone,
Saffron took it home for her own,
No more bone for the doggy all on its own,
All gone to Saffron at her home.

Poor, poor doggy with no more bone,
Its owner come home with a better bone,
Happy, happy doggy with a better bone,
No more doggy on its own!
Saffron Hennessey


Drake makes me want to rave,
Drake is such a good singer,
He makes me go “Wow and OMG”
He raps his songs,
His music cheers me up when I am down,
He is such a good looking boy!
I have his album on my phone,
I’m so proud of you!

Danielle Doyle.

Football Poem

Dark sky over brightly lit stadium,
Noise fills my ears,
Coloured flags fluttering in the air,
My heart is pumping harder and harder.

The team walk out,
Crowded, cheering out loud.

The whistle blows,
The team kicks off,
The crowd and I are cheering,
Then there is a goal,
I am jumping around like a hungry horse.

The game is over, the team has won,
We’ve all gone home, we had such fun.

Mike Hayes


Did you know dogs are sweet?
Did you know they’re very excited?
Did you know they talk to me?
I hear them.

Woody’s so excited
He says “where’s my sweet?”
Tinkerbell’s so calm and said,
“I want a cuddle”

He wants food,
She wants cuddles,
What should I do?
What should I do?

I don’t know,
Do you/
“Come down!”
That’s Mum, bye!

Eminay Evans-Hadi

I Have a Cat

I have a cat,
A very fat cat,
I love her,
She sleeps in my hat.

She means the world to me,
Even more than my favourite cup of tea,
My cat she knows another cat,
He is a very fat cat.

I think they should go on a diet,
So I took them down the gym,
I hope they get thin.

I have a cat,
A very fat cat,
I love her.

Look, my cat there, not so fat anymore.

Rhianna Chadwick

Italian Food

I love Italian food,
I feel excellent when I know I have it for dinner,
I don’t mean to be rude,
But it’s better English, cos it’s a real winner.

Pizza, pasta, pepperoni,
The colours are exciting and colourful,
Red and green, it’s good for me,
When I’ve finished I’m always full!

This poem is making me so hungry,
I want to eat the page,
I can’t wait to eat this Sunday,
It’s driving me into a rage!!!!!

I end up with bright orange lips,
In the restaurant they cannot move me,
The waiter demands large tips,
So I finish my meal with mint tea!!!!!!

Vince Pamiloza.

Justin Bieber

My emotions bubble over,
Tears fill my eyes,
Crimson cheeks, hot, flushed,
Butterflies take off in my stomach!

He wipes his hair,
My heart thumps really, really fast,
Making my body tingle.

His music video, my heart jel,
My eyes met on the screen,
Wish it was real.

He cares about us,
24/7 we love him,
So, so much!!

Annie Smith

The Animal Poem

Tigers are scary, Zebras are stripy, and snakes are slippery and also slimy.

Cats are fluffy, hamsters are fluffy, Pandas and Dogs are also cuddly.

Cheetahs are fierce, Dogs are fun, and Lions are feisty and also furry.

Koala Bears are cuddly, guinea Pigs are cuddly, and Hamster’s dogs are also cuddly.

Billy Strange

Love Poem

Love is a powerful word…
Love can mean a million and one things,
But when I think of love all that comes to mind is you…

Love is like a powerful passion…
That drags me closer to you…
Love is like what I feel for you…

Love travels all around my body,
Faster when I think of you,
Love is what I feel for you, beats like a heat, burning.

Love makes the world go around,
Love lives like life,
To me, love means so many things.

Love is my heart.

Charlotte Flesher

My Family

My Dad is the head of our family,
He works very hard for me,
When I grow up, I hope I can be,
Just like my Dad with my own family

My Mum is caring and sweet,
So busy she’s run off her feet.
Making delicious curry and rice,
She always finds time to be nice.

My sister is so horrible,
She’s very mean to me,
She never lets me borrow things,
Unless I make her tea.

My brother is so funny,
He’s like a little clown,
Chatting and being naughty,
Always running up and down.

Mohammed Ferdhaus


Rugby is good but hard,
But we always get far,
We are excellent at rugby,
Rugby is fine for me.

But headaches go and bones they heal,
This game makes me feel so real,
The hit, the pass, the kick, the try,
It’s useless, I can’t bloody lie.

The bones brake every day,
Always have to pay,
When people bleed they are weak,
But I always had a peak.

A long way to other pitch,
But there look like a ditch,
I pass to mates, they go forwards,
But at times it’s awkward.

Bradley Kelly

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny,
Is so fluffy.

His ears are floppy,
And he is so hap, hop, happy.

His basket is made of straw so brown,
And he never wears a frown,
His tail is so cuddly,
And his feet are so softy,
He has so many delicious eggs,
And so very springy legs,
He is always filled with glee,
And he is a fantastic sight to see.

Uzair Khan

The Poltergeist of My Mind

I’ve always thought that poetry is pointless,
And pathetic but I’m making an exception.

I don’t know how to describe the feelings,
I get or how to explain the way it affects me,
But it haunts my mind like a poltergeist,
I wish to concentrate it and use as a shield of difficult times.

However the rose is taken,
And I don’t want to be the phantom of others grief,
And to nourish my hunger of company.

To walk on the sand and seeing your foot steps in the sand,
I feel that way but as I don’t stop the tides from washing away their prints,
And I feel lost without the tracks in my mind.

To show me from right to wrong but the light of tranquillity will fade,
And I will be lost in the forest of regret.

Robert Hardy

Chocolate Brownies

My chocolate brownies are as good as can be,
Gloopy, thick, runny and very yummy,
Floating bits of chocolate, like tiny little islands looking at me,
My mouth is watering as my belly is a big lion, roaring for hunger.

Wooden spoon,
Melting chocolate swirling around,
Like one of those colourful lollypops you get at the seaside.

As I pour it in the tin,
In like a chocolate waterfall,
It perfectly fitted,
Nervous that it is going in the oven.

All I have done,
It tasted so soft; it was a fluffy cloud,
I have had so much fun,
Next time I will try and make a hot cross bun!

Shane Bannerman.

The Animal Poem

A girl is an animal,
She stays in beautiful places,
But she does not stay in hotels; she likes to sleep in the bush,
She is elegant like a cheetah, slim and fast.

She is wild and does not like people,
She loves to eat meat, sleep,
But when she is asleep she is always on guard and always watching you.

I am inspired by her; she makes me feel that I am not alone,
She is always with me in my dreams and in my head.

The animal in her is on the inside not the outside,
I think I have an animal in me too but I have not found it in me yet but she said I will,
I hope she will find someone like her but I know you cannot get someone better than her,
She may not be right for you, but she is for me.

Jodie Cressey

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