What is Extra English?

Extra English is designed to provide support for those students who struggle in class with their reading and grammar.
We look at encouraging children to read more regularly and to find the genres that they enjoy, inspiring young minds to explore their imagination and put down on paper their thoughts and ideas.
Extra English also supports those who may find they have a weakness with their grammar, comprehension and spelling and shy away from writing because of this. Building up confidence is so important and we try to do this with challenging one to one and small group tasks that the students find interesting and more importantly Fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. i really like extra english because it is really helpful also it has helped me with my spelling and has helped me with they way i set out a sentances and how i spell words also i like reading the stories like goodnight mr tom babe oliver twist the tameing of the shrude also we can take books home and i did i took home the wizard of OZ that is one of my favriote books when we read books at school we read some for half of the lesson and read and the other half we watch the movie of what we are reading i really like extra english it is really really FUN!!!!!!!
